full spectrum sexuality & reproductive health education with Rosemary Roberts

I teach classes and workshops, and work one-on-one with folks navigating the sexuality & reproductive continuum.

puberty and sexuality education that supports, affirms and centers transgender and non-binary kids, teens, and their families

contraception & abortion support

a supportive, compassionate and affirming approach to contraception, emergency contraception, and termination options counseling

An outdoor scene of a stone spiral sculpture on green grass, with broad-leaf trees and hedges in the background. A partly-cloudy sky.
Four yellow heart-shaped cottonwood leaves lie on the ground, ends pointing inward.

all-gender puberty & sex ed

inclusive, affirming and secular sympto-thermal cycle charting to gauge and understand hormonal health, avoid pregnancy, or prepare for and achieve pregnancy

fertility chart, filled in, lying on burlap on grass. A pen, glass thermometer and digital thermometer lie on top of it. Menstrual cups, cloth pads and clay uterus models to one side, a bowl of herbs and tincture bottle to the other.

body literacy & fertility awareness

TerrestEros Apothecary

I also make and sell delicious herbal tea blends! Check out my other site, with information about my blends, local sales locations, and links to my Etsy shop:

[Rosemary] truly empowered me to take responsibility for my health, and for that I am forever grateful!

— Rachel, 2019